Fly Snapping


New member
Hello. Our 2 y/o puppy has recently (last few days) started snapping at the air and licking her back. I read up on Google that it could be something called fly snapping. My wife recently dislocated her knee and we haven't been able to take the puppy on the super long walks she is used to, although she still goes out 4 times a day, 3 of them for walks. She is eating and everything else regularly. Does anyone have any experience in this. I am happy to take her to the vet if that is what she needs but if it's just boredom etc then I will adjust my working hours to allow the long walks again.

Thanks in advance
@james857 What kind of dog is she? I have no idea what fly snapping is, but 3 walks a day should be enough for her. If you think she’s bored, maybe look into getting/making some fun puzzle toys