First time dog guardian - he is getting neutered on Thursday. Please give me your tips. I think I have it all down but I am a tad anxious


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I think I am pretty clear on most of this but there are some variations so your insight is appreciated! This is the kind of stuff my vet answers vaguely when I ask and maybe it is a case-by-case basis?

1) I need to make sure he limits all activity (no jumping, stairs, or hopping up on the bed) for 7-14 days

What is the best way to do this? He is an Anatolian-Husky so very active and very large dog. Are drugs the surest way? If so, which are best?

Should I make a bed for myself on the floor? He sleeps with me about 60% of the night as it is now.

2) I need to monitor the surgery site for infection, opening sutures etc

I am a small business owner so should I stay home 24/7 with him for at least a few days or can I leave for an hour or two here and there by day X?

3) I need to keep him from licking it with a cone collar

I've tried practicing with the collar, giving him treats, etc but he really really hates it. Do I simply not give in and not take it off no matter what? Are there other ways to prevent licking?

-4) I need to keep him calm

I have been working on his excitability with visitors, deliveries, other dogs outside for some weeks now and he's gotten a lot better (less intensely excited) but is not yet chill. Should I avoid having his favorite people come by to visit?

Again, this sub saved my sanity when I inherited him as a 6 month old puppy while I was deep in grief. We have both come a long way and I want to make SURE I do this part correctly.
@chasingvisions I would also do a bodysuit, cone connected with donut in case he will lick. My dogs ripped the cone , pushed the donut and licked through the bodysuit , thank God for Prime same day .
@kg706 To-go-home sedatives form the vet to keep them down. Confine (ideally) to a crate, if not the smallest room you have. Watch the incision for redness, and yellow/green discharge. Pup needs to be coned whenever they are not within your immediate vicinity. Consider a surgical suit if he’ll tolerate it better than a cone.

You should not have to sleep on the floor with them or take time off of work. I would avoid situations where he’ll get excited.
@diamondmike Thank you. This helps. I am going to keep him in his kennel for a lot of the day, ask about a surgery suit just in case the cone doesn't work and not have any visitors for at least a week.
@kg706 Try giving him mental stimulation to keep him tired. Freeze dog safe food in kongs, toppls, maybe a lick mat. You can give him his meals like this, an afternoon snack it tires them out without physical exercise.

I would also recommend having no people that are not necessary over. If you can’t avoid having people over he gets excited with it’s not the end of the world, but there’s no need to have people over for the dog. Give him an environment that’s relaxed and just let him heal
@axdxs Argh! Thank you. Didn’t even think about mental stimulation during this time and he gets a lot out of it. Someone on here gave me a tip that has become routine - I take him on a “tour” of the house where I take things from shelves and in drawers and let him sniff them as long as he wants. Wears him out in 20 minutes or so. I’ll add your suggestions as well.