First day with 8 week old puppy and he isn’t really eating or drinking. Should I worry or wait?


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We brought our little rescued Bowzer (basset hound/schnauzer) home late last night after he had a few days of travel from a foster home a thousand miles away. He’s been amazing so far, but hasn’t eaten at all and has had only a few sips of water despite it being freely available. I’m sure he’s worn out but I worry at how thin he seems.

Should I just let him rest and adjust or should I try encouraging him more to eat? Or add water to his kibble?
@rbministries You can certainly encourage him to eat however hes likely very stressed being moved to a new home with new people and that's probably why :) I'm sure by tomorrow he will have more of an appetite.
@rbministries Same thing happened with my pup. I was worried because he wasn’t peeing or pooping, but on day 2 he took a massive crap and was eating and drinking voraciously. I’d give it a day or two before going to the vet. Are you using the same food he was eating before?

Try to find some treats your pup likes and put those in the food bowl along with the kibble to encourage eating.

Also letting our guy lick an ice cube and then putting it in the water bowl helps him drink more.

Hope he starts eating soon! Best of luck!