Fever, lethargy, loosing weight - what to do next ?


New member
Hello! I’m looking for some guidence what this misterious disease my dog has and how can I help her.

About my dog
Female, 5,5 years old mixed-breed, 20kg. Sterilized. Allergic. Vaccinated for rabies once per year, for virus diseases like distemper disease every 2 years.

For a month, my dog has been experiencing symptoms like:
- fever (just on some days)
- pain (can’t locate where, but pain medicine make her better)
- lethargy, apathy
- not eating, loosing weight (2,5kg).

We went to the vet multiple times
- she got many drips, painkillers, antipyretics,
- usg of the abdomen is ok
- latest morphology below
- waiting for poo&pee analysys

What can I do next? My vet has no more ideas.

Erythrocytes 6,3 T/l
Hemoglobin 14,6 g/dl
Hematocrit 46,7 %
MCV 74,1 fl
MCH 23,2 pg
MCHC 31,3 g/dL
Platelets 195 G/l
RDW-CV 15,60 %
Erythroblasts % 0,3 %
Erythroblasts Quantity 0,06 G/l

Leukocytes 18,13 G/l
• Neutrophils % 74,2 %
• Neutrophils quantitatively 13,45 G/l
• Lymphocytes % 3,8 % (lyow)
• Lymphocytes quantitatively 0,69 G/l (low)
• Monocytes % 18,0 % (high)
• Monocytes quantitatively 3,26 G/l (high)
• Eosinophils % 3,3 %
• Eosinophils quantitatively 0,60 G/l
• Basophils % 0,70 %