Female in heat


New member
First heat cycle for my 7/8 month old pup. Is it painful or uncomfortable for them first time around? or in general? She seems more sensitive and reactive to the other dogs bumping into her and with playing almost like she’s sore or something.
@peterrajum Just like us human ladies each dog is different. She could be feeling crummy but just want to be left alone. Hormones are powerful things and she’s being super charged with them right now. She’ll be back to normal before you know it.
@peterrajum Same situation as you, my girl is 8 monthsish and going through her first heat right now. She doesn't seem too uncomfortable but that can be very different per individual dog.
@maddox Oh no she’s a sweetheart she is like frosting on a cupcake. She gets overexcited and irritated at times yea but when she does I make sure they are not within each others space. She’s a very happy go lucky good natured pup and the dogs all get along fine since I’ve had them.