Feeding methods


New member
My first childhood dog (F GSD/Lab) was always free fed (purina). She was able to maintain a good weight on her own. My family's current dog (F Corgi) is fed portioned meals (blue buffalo). Her weight is fine, too.

I plan on getting a dog later this year and can't decide on a feeding method. At first, I decided to do portioned meals, at least during the puppy stage so that I can use its kibble as rewards and have meals and training at the same time. Then as basic training concluded I would start free feeding. But then a bunch of (good but low cost) dog food has been recalled recently. So I thought that I would just do a raw diet so I started researching that. But found that until it's an adult, there's alot of adjusting. Then I had the thought of free feeding kibble and portioned raw once or twice a day. But is it too much food? Would they not eat the kibble waiting for the raw? Or would they not eat the raw because they've had their fill from the kibble? My cats are pretty much doing it, kibble available all day but they get some wet food at night, but we've been on that schedule since I brought them home. Do I just stick with one method and that's it?
@asrob There is absolutely zero benefit to feeding raw, and a LOT of risks associated. I would strongly recommend a science-backed kibble with the occasional topper if you want (I make modified satin balls as treats for mine due to their extremely high caloric needs during winter).

As for free-feeding vs scheduled, that will be heavily dependent on your dog and lifestyle. One of mine can be free-fed without issue, and the other will inhale every crumb of food that she can access. In my experience, this is influenced by your feeding method as a puppy (once you start schedule feeding, it is very hard to switch to free-fed), though some dogs will never be able to be free-fed.
@asrob Raw meat is contaminated with major pathogens at rates much higher than recalls are done on commercial dry or canned dog food. There are also serious public health risks associated with raw feeding. It can also definitely breed picky eating.


I tend to think that defaulting to portioned/scheduled meals is better before you get to know the dog. That way you can monitor what they are or aren't eating. Free feeding really requires a dog that is naturally inclined to it, so you can adjust if that seems like your dog down the line.
@asrob My dog is on portioned meals. It keeps her at a healthy weight and lets me monitor how much she is eating. It also makes her bathroom trips fairly predictable and lets me make sure her stools are normal. A good quality kibble is all you need. You don’t need raw. Dogs are domesticated and do fine on a high quality kibble. If you want to cook for your dog “just food for dogs” is science and research backed. They sell premade and kits/recipes to make sure your pup gets nutrients.
@asrob I never free fed but that’s because my Bostons would eat till they exploded. Personally I think it is easier to control their weight and potty train with scheduled meals. When I fed raw I didn’t do a mix unless it was during the transition period. Currently my dog is on a schedule and gets commercial lightly cooked food, which is helping her to lose a few pounds.
@asrob It’s so easy to get lost in the different options. I myself have done it several times. I just settled on Open Farm’s rawmix line because it has high quality kibble with bits of freeze dried raw as an extra treat. I sometimes add some meat as a topper as well. I’ve always rationed because similarly to others in this thread, my dog would eat the whole bag.