Experience with Doggy Day Cares


New member
I’m exploring new doggy day care centers for my 8 month old pup and wanted to get opinions / input from other people’s experience. Our pup has been to one day care, and we’re looking for another closer by. One location looked promising, however they let the dogs potty directly in the play room. While they clean it up immediately, I’m concerned this might create bad habits? She’s fully potty trained and hasn’t had many incidents outside of the usual puppy ones (I.e. fear from vacuum cleaner). Does anyone have experience with a similar daycare set-up?
@junefayeyap I have worked at quite a few daycares and unfortunately this is pretty much the norm. All it takes is one dog to pee and they all will start doing it, making it nearly impossible to control. I’ve never had anyone complain that the behavior follows home though.
@junefayeyap Make sure there is GRASS. Tour the facility. Do you smell dog? Urine? How do they group dogs? Age? Size of dogs? Do they have a pool? I have had several dogs and raised one to be a guide dog. I was super finicky about where to board my dog as there are tons of kennels. After speaking w friends etc I made my list to visit. Camp bow wow (franchise) was super clean but no grass. Some outdoor play but was on patio stones. No one there overnight. Went to another where kennel was attached to home. All outdoor play. Kennels were like a deep closet but had windows and Dutch door. Played music & TV when in kennel. Separate dog groups. Could play w toys, wooded trails and always got a bath when pick up. This is amazing. Price was $5 more but would have paid
More for the later! They also take the dog to YOUR vet if an issue

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