Experience with cutaneous horn?

My dog has a cutaneous horn on her face. We’re visiting the vet again in a couple of weeks because it’s gotten quite a bit bigger than it was when we first had it checked out.

If anyone here has had experience with this, I’d love to hear about it! I think we will likely want to get it removed (depending on the vet’s advice) just because of its location. I’m really worried about her accidentally scratching it. If she does scratch at it, would it bleed or just come off? I really don’t know what to expect and our vet is closed until Tuesday.
@sebastian_flores My dog had one on her thigh, bothered her a bit she would itch at it occasionally but nothing too bad. One day I was just poking around it, keeping track of growth and for any possible changes in condition and she turns around, nibbles her butt for a bit, and bites the horn clean off!

I was absolutely stunned. It bled like a motherfucker (relatively sizable I guess, couple grains of rice wide) and she wasn't happy that I had to keep pressure on it for a while but eventually it stopped and it hasn't grown back since.
@sebastian_flores I had an older dog that had a cutaneous horn on her back leg up near her rump. It seemed to bother her if got touched and she spent a lot of time licking it. She also had a cyst in another area that needed to be removed so we had the horn taken off at the same time. It healed really well and didn’t have any other issues with the area.
An update in case anyone comes across this – it got pretty big and stuck around for a couple of months, but it never seemed to bother her and then one day it was suddenly gone 🤷🏻‍♀️ We never found it, so I’m assuming it fell off outside.

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