Experience (so far) getting a puppy after rehoming my first puppy


New member
In late Jan. I rehomed my GSD x Aussie mix puppy after a month as I had what I'm pretty sure was a mental burnout, and realized I just couldn't provide the right care for her. After rehoming her I started improving my health, seeking professional help (mental n physical) & made changes in order to better my qol. After a few months I felt I was ready to give puppy/dog parenting another chance and that I could really do it this time around! So on April 30th we brought home our new Chihuahua x Maltese puppy, and while it has only been almost three weeks, I can say that I am not only doing better mentally n taking care of myself, but this time around I don't have any doubts about my capabilities of raising him. He has 100% brought so much joy to my life & our household! He's so sweet and super playful, but when it's time, he enjoys winding down and just cuddling! He loooves the outdoors, digging, playing fetch, and playing what feels like tag honestly lol! Potty training is going really well & while there weren't much to begin with, we're getting less n less accidents in the house. 🙌🏻 Overall I am so glad that I gave myself another chance, while I still think about my previous pup n how I feel abt that whole experience, it saddens me but I wasn't the right fit for her, therefore I know I made the right decision in the end. Though I am beyond excited to see what adventures are in store for me n this lil guy ❤️
I know some of the responsibilities that come with raising a puppy/dog are still going to challenge me in ways that are going to be difficult, but again this time I have more confidence in myself, and I've really learned to just take things one day at a time and enjoy these moments with him while he's still little 🥹


TL;DR : A few months after rehoming my GSD mix puppy, I made the decision of getting a another puppy (Chi mix) and things are going really well so far. Excited to see what the future holds for me n him :)
@areelius This is a wonderful update! It sounds like you recognized that the GSDxAussie needed more than you could provide at the time and may not have been a good breed mix for your household and lifestyle.

Plus I am so proud of you for recognizing your personal challenges and seeking care from a professional mental health provider and making the improvements you need to be your best self.
@areelius I've found Chi mixes to be really chill and rescues always have some. Glad to hear it is working out! So much of the frustration I see in this sub could be remedied with smaller dogs
@doantrang Agreed. Small dogs have a much lower physical impact on your life. Their smaller mouths are less capable of destroying things and their playful bites are less painful. Their lighter weight means less food needed and smaller poops and pees. Spaying and neutering surgeries cost less, as do crates and grooming. Many living places will allow smaller dogs that would not permit a big one. Small dogs fit into smaller spaces and can be taken with you on vacation or even on an airplane under your seat. If you let them sleep on the bed they take up much less of it. For me, they have all the doggy features that I require.
Also totally forgot to mention how good it's been for our frenchie! They get along really well and since him (pup) being here, frenchie has been more active and playful :) Still working on personal space with the lil guy but other than that he's been a good addition n the best company 🫶🏻

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