Energy levels!


New member
My ACD ( ) Has never had all the energy in the world, seems to nap a ton. We take her to the dog park and she goes hard for maybe 20 minutes but then shes done and wont go crazy at home all day. I see stuff about peoples pups going on 7 mile hikes and such but I dont think my girl could keep up. Wondering if this is too far from the norm or I just got lucky for her having limits.
@savedat9 She's cute!

My heeler/border was very mellow and never needed much. My 18 month heeler is more demanding of my time, but it's more of a need for stimulus than exercise, per se.
@savedat9 I feel like my boy is the same way! I don't know if it's because he's still a puppy (about 7-8months old) or because he's a mixed breed (he actually looks a lot like your baby!). But either way he's more than happy to sit and cuddle and nap. I can play fetch with him probably forever (he's never refused to go get the ball when I throw it) but after a few minutes he stops bringing it back for me to throw and wants to find a spot to lay down and chill out.
@savedat9 Some aren’t as needy for physical stuff as others. Mine expects a 30 minute sniff and training practice walk every evening but during the day happily naps ot keeps watch out on the back deck (she comes and goes through the doggie door at will). She does get the 8 am and 8 pm zoomies where she wants to play and go crazy but the narcolepsy kicks in after about 20 minutes.