Ears still floppy


New member
My GSD pup is about 4 months old, his growth has been normal, maybe even better since a breeder told me that he’s quite large for a pup his age. But there’s one problem, his ears still haven’t stood up right. He also hasn’t finished teething as of yet, and I know it’s usually recommened to wait until they’re finished teething to start getting worried. His ears also stand up from time to time, but never for more than a few seconds.

Is this normal? Should I be worried about any underlying health issues? And is there anything I can do to fix this e.g. tape method (am not open to cropping his ears)
@bugpowder Yes, very normal! My girl’s ears didn’t stay up until about 10-11 months. They’ll go up and down during the entire teething process. Make sure he has lots of good chews! GSDs should NEVER have their ears cropped. Don’t worry, he’s just a little guy now; they’ll pop up in no time!
@bugpowder My guy is 6 months and he had the right side wonky ear for a while. A read and gs book that it could take up 11 months but it also suggested adding cottage cheese he get about 2 tbs a day
@steviepugh Cheese? Dogs become lactose intolerant once they’re weaned off their mother’s milk, so is that a good choice? I mix some yoghurt with water and give that to him every day which helps cool him down, and he loves it since he licks the bowl clean