Dryer Recommendations?


New member
Hello, everyone,

At my salon, they've provided us with Shernbao Super Cyclone dryers. These dryers are really nice and I like them, however the large circumference of the hose/nozzle really makes my hand hurt as I have smaller hands. I found a Shelandy dryer in the storage room that has a hose I like a lot better as it's smaller and quite a bit lighter. However, the HP in the Shelandy isn't as high as the Shernbao and I find it takes a longer time to dry the dogs.

All in all to say, I'm looking at buying a more high powered dryer or just a dryer that doesn't make my hand cramp up and die. The options I'm currently looking at are a Petlife dryer or perhaps a Metro Vac Air Force Commander. Does anyone else have any other recommendations?

Thanks in advance, all!