Dremmel Recommendations for at home


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TDLR: Any recommendations for Dremmel files for at-home use? (in the UK)

Hi everyone! We have a lovely 1 year old English cocker spaniel who is really easily maintained at home, she doesn't mind baths at all and we brush her out (inc. behind the ears!) every evening. The problem lies with her nails.

She has long nails but also long quicks, so she accidentally prods us with her nails a lot when we play with her. We tried everything to de-sensitise her to the nail clippers at home, but she really wouldn't tolerate it. It's the pressing-down sensation of the clipper she doesn't seem to like.

Rather than cause her agitation we decided to take her to our local groomers for a nail clip. The groomer was really lovely and said Nellie was fine, but she couldn't trim a lot because her quicks were long. So much so she didn't even want to charge us (we tipped anyway dw). She advised us, that if we want to reduce her quicks, we'd have to invest in a Dremmel, and consistently file her nails weekly. However, she didn't have time to name any particular brand. So is there any Dremmel recommendations that are a) good for at-home use b) fairly well-priced c) not too loud? I'm already starting the de-sensitization process by filing my own nails with a crappy e-file I found in the attic right next to her so she gets used to the noise. (ofc I don't want to use a low-power bad e-file on her esp as it's not for dog use haha)

Dog Tax
@axlelol I like the Dremel brand ones. They have a few different models. The basic one costs about $25.

Stick to ones that are designed to be used on pets.