dogs won't stop barking and it is getting worse


New member
I don't know if y'all can help me or not. First of all, I live in the country (rural TN) and I know my dogs are not socialized. I have 5. They are all dogs that I found and brought home, three were puppies when I found them and two were adults. from largest to smallest I have a Pyr mix, B(50% Pyr and 50% hound), a rott mix L, (rott color and size but her DNA breakdown is 12.5% staffy, chow, shepherd, bichon, rott, lab and golden), a pit mix, T (staffy, cocker, shar-pei), a small shepherd looking mix R,(lab, rott, staffy,boxer) and a chi/pit mix W (chi, staffy, collie, min pin). I have done DNA on all of them. B & T (Pyr and staffy shar-pei) are inside/outside dogs. they come in and out through a dog door that goes into a big fenced yard. B is a barker but it is usually at outside things. Like airplanes and falling leaves. They only have access to part of the kitchen (my house is an open floor plan). L, R and W are inside dogs and have access to the living room and bedroom but can see the kitchen and B & T. W and L are the worst of the barkers inside. L and T hate each other and will kill each other if given a chance. They are never outside at the same time, even with a fence keeping them apart. Inside the house, I keep everyone separated with dog exercise pens. I have one that sections my living room off from the kitchen and another that keeps B & T on their side of the house. L, R and T will bark at each other over the x-pens but it is not terribly often

One year ago, i got a roommate. I feel like we have tried everything to get them to stop barking at him but it is just getting worse. We aren't always home at the same time so I can't always stop them before they start barking. B & T don't care too much about him but W barks and gets everyone in the house going.

I am fed up. I am so sick of the barking. I volunteer at a shelter and those dogs don't bark as much as mine do. I just don't know what to do. and now I am having issues with W and L not wanting to go outside and use the bathroom. I usually let them out as soon as we get up and right before bed. I have no idea what has happened. W also seems to have a grass allergy but I am wondering if his skin issues are actually stress. i don't have anyone who can help me. I even take them to the vet one by one.

What seems to have been the catalyst for L and T to hate each other and the beginning of a lot of stress for everyone is that about two years ago, the property across the street was sold and turned into a Dollar General. So first there was the construction and now there are always car doors slamming, people talking, etc. I am the only house on my dead end street. there used to be very little traffic noise here but with the dollar store there is always noise.

I am all about LIMA but I am seriously considering bark collars. My roommate is planning to move out in the next few months. please help

edit to add...they (2 out of 5) are definitely barking at the stimulus of the roommate entering and leaving the house. they also bark when they hear him sneeze or cough or clear his throat. they also bark if they hear a car on the road in front of the house. since this has gone on for a year, they now seem conditioned to bark at anything on that side of the house.
@sandra142 I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but maybe you need to let someone adopt a couple of them ? Maybe they just aren’t suited to be with each other/in your set up. Not trying to be insensitive but just thinking of your sanity. As far as collars, there are ones that beep and vibrate instead of shock the dogs and those might be an option.
@eternalgrace7 I have considered it. It is only really bad when I am home and the roommate is also home. Everyone sleeps through the night (more or less) and I appreciate that they are aware of their surroundings. I think with the changes of the dollar store and then the roommate combined with me not getting ahead of it...I have let it get out of hand.
@sandra142 LIMA means you try everything before you turn to aversives and if you feel you’ve tried everything then turning to a reliable shock bark collar is not an unreasonable option. And nothing says you can’t also combine positive reinforcement (ex. treats for not barking) with the collars.

There are always risks of course. The barking might come out in other ways, like aggression. The two dogs who already fight will probably have more aggression towards each other. But it does sound like you’re close to reaching your breaking point and with 5 dogs and only you taking care of them I don’t blame you.

I would consider looking into a DAP (dog appeasing pheromones) wall thing, anything calming that you think might help. Also, have you ever stuffed Kong’s /sumo/vibrant life dog food toys for these dogs? If you can get them hooked on something like that and you keep about 20 in your fridge at all times, then you can have peace and quiet anytime you want for about 45 minutes. Sometimes you really need a break and the dogs really need downtime. Are they getting enough mental stimulation? Are they getting enough walks/exercise? Is 5 dogs just too much to take care of?

Management combined with counter conditioning can do wonders for their mental health and yours.
@holdensjane I don't think the 3 inside get enough outside time. And now two of them almost completely refuse to go out, even on to the porch. I have considered frozen kongs but I never manage to get from thought to action. I failed to manage them and now the problem is all out of control.

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