Dogs no longer walk together and 1 is suddenly afraid of people


New member
We have 2 dogs that are a year apart in age.
Pup 1 is northern rescue dog we got when he was 1. A Husky mix that will be 2 in April.
Pup 2 is a Mastif Lab cross we got at 4 months as an owner surrender (gave up 2 puppies), will be 1 in April.

We've had dogs for more than 20 years but never more than 1 at a time. These two get along well and, for the most part, are great pups.

When we got them I walked them together daily. 2 leashes, 1 arm. Long walks or short.

About 3 months ago that changed and we now have 2 issues to deal with.

They started a power struggle to constantly be in the lead or one wants to play while the other wants to walk. At about 150lbs combined (and growing) it became a struggle for me to walk them alone.

If my wife joins she walks the older dog as he is smaller and I walk the other. But it is the same struggle as I walk them alone.

If I walk each dog alone, 1 at a time, they will walk well. I do not mind this but greatly prefer taking them together so we can go on longer walks more often. Any advice on getting back to where we used to be?

The other issue that has developed in the last 5-6 weeks is the younger dog has suddenly become afraid of strangers. If he seems someone on the sidewalk we are walking he stops dead and won't move. We either need to go a different way or step aside and eat for the person to pass. He does not growl or act aggressive he just stops moving and stares. When they pass, he keeps watching. While we walk he keeps stopping to look back.

We spent a lot of time at dog parks, he had met lots of people, at the park, on the street, at home etc. Never an issue until mid-December. No clue what is going on but he is going to be a massive dog and I definitely want him to be happy and comfortable around people.

We are in training classes, currently focus on leash manners, and work on training daily but do not feel like we are having any success in resolving these issues.
@harpazo_woohoo No aggression, just pulling. Sometimes I'm different directions but usually just pulling forward. Be great if I was on a sled instead of walking on an icy snowy sidewalk.