Dogs keeps Peeing and Pooping!


New member
Help! We moved house and our puppy (7 month old) sudden starting pooping and peeing only in the house! We keep leaving him outside for 7-10 hours not a single wee! But the moment we let him in he wee’s and poops, we have told him of harshly and very firmly many many times…. and it’s feels wrong to be like this to him but he will not learn!!!…….. Does this dog enjoy being told of because I’m clearly the master and he we listen to me, but at what point do we stop telling the dog of! He hasn’t pooped outside in 5 days and what punishment are suppose to do or whatever needs to be done? Overall his a nice dog but the pee thing is getting to the point we might give him away as it’s causing pregnant girlfriend to have melt downs and I’m done with a hostile environment…
@thriftfabulous Only last 2 days, but we are painting and wall papering the house so he needs to be out there anyway but it’s not cold and he can look threw the glass and at us but he holds it in for many hours then walks in and pisses and poops? Why is he holding it for the house not the garden? Our last house very very rarely ever weed or pooped on the house, he has completely unlearned it? It’s so confusing, the aim here it to wait him out until he poops outside so we can then complement him doing it
@bill01 He's still very young. Your pregnant girlfriend will need to keep in mind that your baby is going to need to be potty trained, and it's going to take longer than with the dog, and she's going to need to be patient with baby too...I know it isn't easy and poop and pee on the carpet is different than a diaper but still.

You need to watch your dog for signs he needs to go and intercept him and get him outdoors. Watch out for repeated turn-arounds and try to get him before he squats. Every hour on the hour if you can't do this.

You need to be outside with him to reward him immediately after he goes. You can take him to places where other dogs are known to pee and poop so he gets the idea of what to do, sometimes the smell can help him along. But basically you don't want to tell him off. He's probably super stressed from the move and doesn't understand why he's being yelled at, as dogs only generally connect cause and effect when the consequence is immediate.

So, to sum:

Intercept before he goes if possible. Go out with dog. Walk dog to common dog potty areas for sniffs of other dogs' waste so he gets the idea.

Reward extravagantly when he goes. Really nice treats.

Stop telling him off, it's not working.
@bill01 Oh boy. So don't think of it as a "I'm the master" be your dogs friend otherwise you're just gonna scare them. They don't understand why you're mad at them most of the time they just think you're angry. Also please don't leave your dog outside for 7-10 hours.

Step 1. You are going to use odoban and an enzymatic cleaner on ANYWHERE potty incidents have happened. Your pup probably thinks inside is where potty should happen as the smell has remained.
  1. any time you feed or water the pup go outside and play. Once potty happens outside big big happy and excitement! Give treats.
  2. When potty happens inside take puppy outside and clean. Do not yell or hurt puppy. You can try bringing the potty mess outside to help establish that's where it should go
Pro tips: learn the potty signs for your dog. Don't punish, instead reward when good things happen. Don't let the dog have free roam of the house, start with a room or playpen. If you need help reach out to a trainer! They can totally help you out. If you aren't open to potty training a puppy I'd reach out to the rescue or breeder and look at returning the pup and adopting an older dog instead
@bill01 telling him harshly and firmly won’t teach him anything, nor will punishing him for having accidents. doing so will merely teach him to hide out of fear, it won’t stop the accidents inside. you’ll just have to start looking for them.

you should try walking him before bringing him inside. if he goes potty on the walk, make it a big deal and praise him for it. bring him inside and then back out right away. even if it feels silly to get excited over pissing and taking a poop outside.

when he poops or pisses inside, don’t react!! clean it up and ignore him, it makes it much more rewarding when you praise excessively for going potty outside.
@bill01 The amount of people that think being harsh or punishing a dog will actually teach them something and not have negative consequences is MIND BLOWING. Google positive reinforcement dog training. Please.
@bill01 Are you against crate training? It really is a game changer when it comes to potty training. Regardless of whether you choose to use one or not, this video has some really good tips on potty training.


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