Dogs grapefruit sized growth


New member
My 15 year old dog, who still thinks he’s a 2 year old pup, has grown a massive lump on his right upper leg. It came about rather quickly 9 months ago and was the size of a golfball. We went to the vets office and they said it was best to leave it alone. A few months later he caught it on something so i took him back in. They put 2 drains in it and it drained for about a week. But shortly after they took out the drains it doubled in size. And has now tripled. They said his heart is too unhealthy for anesthesia. For the last two months it has been draining itself almost once a week. It’s hasn't bothered him but this week it produced an ulcer and bled a little. We took him in today and they didn’t want to touch it. They sent us him with antibiotics and anti inflammatory pills. We’ve been referred to a specialist. But they said that could take time to see him. Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs?
@solagratiaprosalute Yes. We got a referral. But it needs some kind of attention. I’m afraid when it ruptures he’s going to miserable. The poor thing is already miserable in the cone of shame :(
@solagratiaprosalute They said the fluid is just build up fluid around whatever the mass is. Years ago we were told they were just fatty deposits from apoquel, a medicine he was on for chronic skin inflammation/irritation/itching. We had a few growths removed years ago. This bump is not like his others :(. We’ve been to two vets so far. Now we are just waiting for the specialist to get back to us.
@4606 Yes. That’s the biggest issue. I would rather him be at home, comfortable when the time comes than lose him on the operating table. We had an inhome euthanasia for my sisters 16 year old dog a few years ago at home. If it comes to that I’d prefer that. He would too. He dislikes the vets office. He didn’t until this year.
@4606 When my dog was 13 and had an issue and the vet wouldn’t even look at or touch it I got a second opinion, I’m not saying do surgery but see if another vet could possibly give a better solution to what’s going on
@eb3 Absolutely ask friends that have pets and asked about their vet and how they like the best office that they go to I would not hesitate they do not have to put the dog under that much anesthesia those are pretty painless to cut out they can put a dog in the toilet instead of totally knocked out just like they do a human had my 15 year old dog worked on when he had little ulcer bumps coming out of his butt hole turned out great
@nirajrana Thank you. I’m hoping the specialist will remove it or drain it or whatever can be done. This vet drained it but they didn’t want to touch it again :(