Dogs Fighting


New member
So I have two 4 year old female dogs one is mostly pitbull the other is partially pitbull and recently one (B) has been getting aggressive with the other one (M). It started about 4-5 weeks ago where B would attack M randomly in the house when she’d go upstairs and now she does it any chance she gets whenever theyre in close proximity. Something important is that B has always shown dominant behavior whereas M is super submissive so there hasnt ever been any issues. Im talking to a trainer now and should have some advice from them soon but im wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation
@jparha0 Another magic age pit. It's so depressing that there are dozens of posts like this every day.

Anyway, I feel like you're going to get more helpful advice from the owners over at /r/pitbullawareness than any other sub.
@jparha0 Not your fault. This is what happens when shelters and advocates push them as "nanny dogs" and one-size-fits-all pets. They were bred for a specific purpose; expecting a bloodsport dog not to display animal aggression is just about as ridiculous as expecting a shih tzu to pull sleds or training a pug as a catch dog.

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