Dogs being aggressive with each other & towards other people. WHY ?


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Summary (TLDR Version)*

I am from India and in a bit of a tricky situation. We have about 9 dogs 4 females and 3 males and the 3 of the males growl at each other and sometimes even fight.

*Problem 1*

Three of the males hate each other. One of them even started a fight.

*Problem 2*

They are aggressive to other people one female even tried to attack a kid last night in our neighborhood

*Long Version*

*Problem 1*

So let me explain the situation. We have a lot of dogs, 9 to be precise, 4 Females & 5 males. If that's too many I just wanna say things just got out of hand. Anyways, the problem is that 3 males are aggressive towards each other, growling at each other every time they come close and sometimes even fighting and one of them even attacks one of the other male dogs which is a bit weak and doesn't fight against any of the other dogs. Why

More Importantly

*Problem 2*

A few of our dogs are aggressive towards people. They don't do anything to people in the house (i.e me and my parents) but outsiders they try to scare them and they tried to chase a few kids in the neighborhood a few time. I don't know the exact reason but I think 2 factors are responsible for this

One being that the neighborhood kids use to scare them and throw stones at them. Two being that we only let them out at night after 11 so they are locked up in the house the whole day with almost no exposure to other people. Why did this happen you ask. A few years age one of our neighbor's chickens got attacked but our dogs and ever since that day we don't let them out.

*Note: Not all the dogs are aggressive towards people. It's only 1 female and 1 male that are aggressive towards other people and 2 other males are partially aggressive.*

The one male and female are especially aggressive towards kids, it tried to chase them and even attack them a few times. The other 2 partially aggressive. They won't do anything most of the time but if the female tries to chase the kids they'll do it too. Like last night the female attack the a neighborhood kid and tried to chase another and the other 2 just went with it. One kid was fine, just scared. The other fell down and probably got wounded. This all happened because my piece of .... of a father let them out early last night. The aggressive male dog sometimes chased motor cycles/Bikes from specific people.

Weird thing is if a stranger comes inside the house they don't do much. They'll bark but won't attack. Most are scared.

Nether of my parents aren't doing anything but blaming each other. Father doesn't seem to care and my mother just wants to get them killed (well put down but it's still killing) or just left out in the forest and if I try to say anything she'll will just blame me for everything and tell me to do something. What am i supposed to do. They are the ones why kept the dogs and now it's my fault for not letting them deal with it in the way they want to. Now I do like the dogs but it was still their idea around 15 to 20 years ago to feed a few stray dogs that were around the neighborhood. I may have told them to get dogs but they could have said no. We don't have any pet shelters in our city or any dog trainers (99% sure of it) and all the aggressive dogs are adults. None of they are of any breed, I don't know it's just the regular stray dogs found in India
@unsui888 If they have not been desexed as adults, especially the males, it is probably a dominance issue. Especially if the females are whole. It could be territorial or resource guarding.
@kasto62 Not totally sure it's for the female. It's definitely a thing in mating season they get Extra dominant and fight a lot more but this is different
Also any ideas why they are aggressive towards other people
@unsui888 The only thing I can of is they associate all people as a threat since they were threatened previously by people. Some of the other dogs may have learned the behaviour. The solution may be some gradual exposure and socialising with people rather then locking them up.
@kasto62 I just remembered something. One of the aggressive female dogs followed me to a store nearby and it did nothing no barking, scaring or attacking people or chasing bikes.
Also big problem is none of the dogs are used to collars or leashes

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