Doggy gingivitis


New member
My 7 year old dog has recurrent gingivitis and I’m at a loss for what to do for daily treatment. About every 3-4 months I get his teeth cleaned ultra sonically to remove tartar buildup ($145 a pop). He is not a chewer so I can’t interest him in raw bones for enzyme/chewing action, brush toys with a treat inside are hopeless (he just licks until he gets bored), and he just swallows whole ass chunks of dental chews, defeating the purpose and wasting money. He’s very gentle and tender and only will play with plush toys, so I feel like chewing oriented solutions are not an option. Water additive may be the only option and I’m not crazy about the ingredients, the price, and the plastic waste. He really needs some daily maintenance to help prevent buildup and gingivitis between cleanings (recommended every 6 months). He WILL NOT let me brush his teeth myself. I’m low income, so of course he won’t go for the cost effective solutions. Is there anything I can do otherwise?