Doggy Bathroom Help


New member
helloo, wasn't sure what subreddit to post to so coming here ! (tried looking for more specific sub, but r/reactivedog and such don't exactly fit what I'm trying to ask about?) anyway ! onto my minor dilemma : my roommate has a dog (Layla, boarder collie mix, 5?y/o) but the up keep on taking her outside to potty has been an issue, so I'm looking for info/products for fake grass alternative for doggy bathroom time!
Ik I'm going to get alot of questions as to why we don't do the obvious: take her outside more often so I'll try to best explain why it's not exactly on the table rn,, so there's 4 ppl including me (20m), Doggy roommate (Dog - 24m), my boyfriend (S - 23m) and another roommate (F - 21m). we all work 30+ hours a week. I work 6am-12/2pm Tues-Wed. Dog works Mon-Fri anywhere from 8am-10pm (unsure specifically bc he is starting a new job soon). F works fluctuating hours as a manager, S takes an hour bus ride to and from and works 8am-3pm, Mon-Thurs/Fri.
I am usually the only one home for long periods of time, which puts the fault of potty time on me once I am home,, but I am physically/and mentally disabled to certain degrees (and currently recovering from a back injury). By the time every1 else is home she should've gone outside at least once or twice (every1 is usually too tired to take her out themselves, Dog roomy takes her out once, maybe twice b4 bed once he is home later), but I can't keep up w her, the 3 cats, and the house all at once so we've unfortunately been slacking to her detriment.
so with every1s conflicting schedules and the mix of health issues going on between every1:
I am wondering if any1 has recommendations for fake grass patches used for going potty? and what the general upkeep/what cleaning it looks like?
pls ask for more info if needed.
I should also mention bc I forgot to add in OG; this would not b a permanent alternative to going for walks. I take her on a 20min walk b4 every1 is home when I have the energy, Dog roomy takes her outside for hours on his days off, which includes taking her to the nearby dog park. I'm strictly looking for a "part time" solution so I do not have to take her outside EVEY SINGLE time bc it is tolling on my physical and mental health unfortunately