Doggo has limping problems, could use advice


New member
So my dog broke one of the little knuckles on one of his toes. My vet said don't let him jump out of the back of the truck anymore, he most likely landed on a rock and fractured/broke it. We did an x ray on it and that was the diagnoses. So it's been a few months since that incident and he messed it up again when playing fetch and has been limping for a month+. Took him to the vet again and they said don't take him running he should heal up fine. Well I barely take him for walks since he limps on it so bad and I have no idea how to help him heal. Any advice would be much appreciated.

TL;DR: fractured/broken 8 y/o black lab toe and need advice helping him heal quicker.
@peggyr I would get a second opinion with a different vet. It probably didn't fully heal from the initial break. Did they do any recheck x-rays to make sure it was healed appropriately? It may be a case where the toe may need to be amputated if it is not healing correctly or continues to break.
@peggyr My dog has been limping for the past 6 months. I took her to the vet at the beginning and he said it was probably her ankle (knee?) and that we should see if it gets better with some rest. I let her rest ( she's a high strung boxer so i guess it was "rest") and she would get better and then get worse, then better, then worse. Finally a few days ago I took her back to the vet for X-rays and she has a broken bone! She has been running around on a broken bone for 6 months, I'm the worst dog mom ever. so she is going to be having surgery to get a screw put in it. I would maybe ask your vet for some doggie calming pills maybe to keep him calm for a while? My dog has to have xanax for thunderstorms anyway so her vet just upped her dosage and it keeps her from jumping up quickly or doing sprints. She has surgery in a week and then has to be completely immobile for 4 weeks. :(
@yuliia Oh that's so unfortunate. I'm very sorry to hear! I don't think you should feel totally responsible. You were only listening to a professional opinion, as I've done too...

I'm definitely not doing any better. I hope your pup's surgery goes smoothly and is a quick recovery!!

Thank you for recommending calming medicine. I will inquire about that my next (soon) visit.
Thanks everyone!! Just realized I posted in the wrong /r, I searched for dog care but this is my first post and didn't read the sidebar, so I apologize! I appreciate your comments and will definitely be getting a second opinion!

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