Dog Walker brought another dog(a puppy)on a walk w my reactive dog

So just for some background, I have had this particular dog walker regularly for months. She’s been really wonderful, and always writes lots and sends pics from her time with my boy. She’s stayed overnight at the house once w my 4 year old male GSD also while I was gone. All good and she knows he’s leash reactive to dogs.

Today I caught her bringing my dog out of the house and meeting nose to nose with a puppy! I only caught her bc I was early getting back and killing time, so I decided to watch from a distance. Didn’t want to pull up and distract him.
Her bf, who comes on walks w her, waited outside with the puppy and she brought my dog out to walk and her bf put the puppy down and they met nose to nose. My dog looked very stiff and nothing went down but I was shocked!! She never asked nor mentioned. She knows id have prob told her no!
I moved the car and drove for a second. Saw them walking the dogs next to each other. My boy does love playing with dogs off leash and is friendly to them. But he’s also gone lunging and barking to dogs we pass even at a decent distance etc…you guys know the deal.
I’m just so disappointed at this dog walker. I thought “immediately fire”earlier, and still leaning that way. In her description of the walk as she usually writes, she made no mention there either. The lie is the worst part.

I don’t know what to say to her. Or to make it less awkward(but also so hard)—do I just ghost?!? If something had happened to that puppy🤦🏼‍♀️it would’ve been on me/him. Yikes
EDIT: sorry for the terrible format
Another layer—she and her bf own no dogs and live in an apt complex w no dog policy. She is also so personable she would’ve mentioned she’d gotten a puppy(or not?lol). So..that puppy could’ve been another client’s. They dog sit a bunch. I wanna be wrong but I’m disturbed.
@findingmyplace2019 I would say something if I was you. I used to be a professional dog walker and would never dream of doing this without okaying it with the owner beforehand. Reactive dog or not. But especially with a reactive dog. Very unprofessional imo.
@findingmyplace2019 Did you hire her through Rover? Might be worth it leaving a review for other parents. Let them know she has knowingly and secretly been putting dogs in danger. I'm glad your boy did such a wonderful job with the puppy, but it could've easily ended in disaster. For both dogs.
@findingmyplace2019 I understand why you're upset. BUT there is a bright side here. Your boy did great at an interaction with another dog on leash. She definitely shouldn't have done it without your permission but that's a very big step for your boy and it's awesome that he's made that progress with her.
@findingmyplace2019 Why would you not say something. Sure it might be a bit uncomfortable but she needs to know what she did is not okay and put the puppy and your dog at risk and that's why she's losing your business.
@findingmyplace2019 It's great that nothing happened, but I'd tell her that look, my dog, my rules.

Some dogs ARE great off leash with other dogs and can be reactive when onleash. And if she's never actually owned a dog, she may not get that.

If she's done this with your dog (letting him meet a random puppy), I'd really want to know what else she's done.

Regardless, I'd tell or remind her that your dog is not ok with other dogs and to not risk things.
@findingmyplace2019 Who else will take your dog, that’s the question. There was no harm you can decide if there is no foul.

Sometimes dog walkers make BAD decisions but sometimes they know dogs better than the client. Your dog walker trusted your dog enough to expose her puppy and I think I know why. It’s called the “puppy license” in dog training/behavior.

This could be a friend for your dog. If he didn’t freak out immediately.

NOW whether your dog will always accept the puppy will remain to be seen. Some dogs are out of the “puppy license” with a dog and therefore age out of their good graces.

The only 2 questionable things I can see is she should have gotten your permission but maybe she thought it would be easier to ask your forgiveness when your heart was warmed by your dog’s new buddy. And secondly your dogs reactivity could negatively impact her puppy’s behavior as they develop but that’s her funeral not yours.

Were it me I would probably say “Hey, I’m glad it worked out THIS time and fluffy has hopefully made a new friend but in the future please refrain from introing fluffy to other dogs without my permission. I don’t want to assume the liability that comes with introducing him to any other dogs.”
@findingmyplace2019 Then I guess you could take it or leave it, whatever is comfortable for you. For one, you might be worried from now on if the dog walker will do anything else without your consent.

On the other hand dog friends won’t “cure” your reactive dog but they do get the endorphins going, something reactive dogs usually can’t ever get enough of.
@cathya Yes and it’s the inconsistency of his reactiveness. One trainer called him not a “true” reactive dog bc he does t go off at all dogs, but some set him off. Mostly w me, which makes me think it’s me..🤦🏼‍♀️
It’s frustrating
@findingmyplace2019 Then I would just say I appreciate that your heart is in the right place but this isn’t gonna work.

Or you can say nothing at all you don’t really OWE her an explanation if you’re not comfortable with giving one.
@findingmyplace2019 My girl is reactive, and personally id be upset. If the interaction went bad any progress you had made with his reactivity would be ruined. And even worse, the poor pup could have gotten injured or killed depending on how hard your dog reacts.

Its up to you how you deal with this. Firing may be your first conclusion, however you know this girl and trust her. How can you be sure the next person wont lie or worse, when youre not around?

Maybe just talk it out with this walker, be honest and see how she reacts. Maybe knowing shes been caught will be enough to ensure this doesnt happen again.
@findingmyplace2019 That's a serious issue.

My dog is very uncomfortable with other dogs but with the right introduction, temperament of the other dog, and environment he can handle going on a walk with one. I have a couple of friends who I'd trust to look after him and take him on walks. I would also trust both if they said, "I'm going to have this other dog with me and an extra set of hands. I think they can do well together." The important part though is that I trust they would tell me and it would be a conversation.

Also, if that's another client dog I'm concerned for it because I would never, ever use a dog like mine to help socialize a puppy because he's certainly not a role model to be learning from. It'd be one thing if that puppy was going to be part of his life, but not for a walk.
@findingmyplace2019 I would fire her. My dog is severely dog reactive if my walker had done this the puppy would not have survived. She’s putting both dogs in danger by doing this. This is absolutely as serious as you think it is. When you tell someone your dog is reactive they need to LISTEN.
@findingmyplace2019 Are you upset that the puppy could have been harmed? Or are your feelings hurt that’s she’s been able to do something you couldn’t?

It was wrong of her to do this without checking first but before you go and fire her, have you considered working with her, seeing as it has benefitted your dog?

I’ve found a lot of lead reactive dogs can improve when gradually being introduced to lead walking with another dog, as they’re not having that head to head confrontation. It’s much easier for them to relax and accept when they have a couple of handlers between them.

Conversely it’s a very easy way to end up with a dog that redirects on the handler if done badly. She definitely should have talked to you first
I’ve found a lot of lead reactive dogs can improve when gradually being introduced to lead walking with another dog, as they’re not having that head to head confrontation. It’s much easier for them to relax and accept when they have a couple of handlers between them.

My dog can walk with other dogs all on leads with individual handlers, but she will absolutely react in any nose-to-nose meeting or to the butt-sniff that most dogs are super into. She's a large enough dog that it's a huge risk of dogs or humans being hurt if the interaction goes south.

I wouldn't be upset by a dog walker being able to "do something I couldn't do", I'd be upset with them taking a risk of my dog, another dog, or the people involved being seriously hurt by going into a situation with high risk when I've specifically advised against it.
@findingmyplace2019 I would fire. It sounds like she has a great read on dog behavior and body language, and did a successful intro, that’s great. She clearly also believes this means she knows well enough to manage potentially dangerous situations that she herself creates with a client’s dog, and won’t consult you. Absolutely untrustworthy. She’d be better off working at a shelter or rescue without privately owned dogs.