Dog throwing up when I am at work, more info in the comments


New member
So currently, I work from home Monday-Friday and then work an in person job Saturday-Sunday. Usually on the weekends, my boyfriend is home with our 3 y/o chihuahua while I’m at work. The past two weekends my boyfriend has told me that he’s thrown up while I’m not home in the morning. He hasn’t thrown up while I’m home and he’s not the type to eat random things off the ground so I don’t know what’s causing him to get sick.

I was wondering if it could have something to do with separation anxiety? Has anyone else experienced something like this before? Is it normal or something worth visiting the vet for?

I can also add that usually Mon-Fri I give him his morning walk, but on weekends I leave for work too early so my boyfriend walks him. Also, he’s more attached to me because he’s been my dog his whole life and I’ve only lived with my boyfriend for about 10 months.
@rcx This is gonna sound gross but what kind of vomit is it?

Big chunks of food, mostly digested food paste, yellow bile or clear water?

Knowing what's coming out will help determine why.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I actually used to work more, but started working outside of my house only weekends about a month ago. So far it’s been twice, last weekend one day and now this morning.
@rcx That's weird. I'm not sure what it could be. I mean, I'd GUESS just a minor gastrointestinal upset.

Give him a day or two on a bland diet, and see if that makes a difference, and ring your vet for an opinion.

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