Dog swallowing big chunks of a bully stick?


New member
Our 2 year old shepherd mix has been getting up to going out a lot over the past few nights, which is way more than a rare one per night. We thought it might have been an upset stomach after eating some cooked chicken over the weekend. Her stools have been mixed - some more normal and cohesive and others more loose soft serve consistency. I started giving her what our vet has recommended in past for stomach issues - a mix of cooked ground turkey and plain rice. Today she’s been acting normal, sleeping a lot and being energetic when I go outside to play with her. But in surveying her poops, I noticed one that looked recent (probably the last 24-36 hours) that looked shinier than usual. I scooped it up and it almost looked like sausage in casing. I poked it with a garden spade and it did open up like a link of sausage (about 3-4 inches long). I have a picture of it but I’ll spare Reddit the image of this. I mentioned it to my wife and she said the other day - probably a day preceeding the start of her overnight troubles - that she was chewing one of her Cadet 12-inch bully sticks from Costco and she got down to about a 3 inch nub of it and possibly swallowed it all down.

What I’m wondering is if this was possibly slow to move through her system causing her stomach upset and leading to her diarrhea and needing to go out more often. Has anyone else had a dog swallow a nub of bully stick and experience a similar outcome? Like I said she seems to be on the rebound and feeling normal now so I’m hoping that this might have been a one-off occurrence.

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