Dog suddenly lame


New member
In about a span of 5 minutes, my year and a half old clumber pup has lost the ability to move his front leg. One minute he’s wandering around the room and the next he’s whimpering on the floor and can’t get up. This was a complete 0-100 turn for him and it’s too late at night to bring him into any vet. There feels like some swelling under his elbow, and he had surgery on his elbow back in October for dysplasia but I don’t know if this is related. I’m freaking out and don’t even know where to begin
@fashionatta Licensed veterinary technician here......Definitely search for an ER in your area. If not doable, keep him calm and quiet. You've been through surgery recovery so you know what those restrictions were. Same thing until you can get him in with the vet tomorrow.

Try to calm down, ok? I know you're freaking out but you're doing all you can right now. Make him a soft bed and bring him water and food. You don't know the "why" right now but treat it like an injury. Rest and stay off of it, ok? You've got this.
@fashionatta Depending where you live obviously and I’m sure you might have looked this up already, but maybe check to see if there’s a ER Vet around your area. I didn’t think it was a thing till I looked it up myself a while ago.