Dog submission directed towards one other dog


New member
Hi, all! We have a youngish Shiba Inu who is social, well socialized and generally good with other dogs with regular socialization at day car and the dog park. She is confident but willing to display submission, so all good.

Recently, at our dog park we've started running into another female dog, about the same age (I'll call her Q) around who our girl is abnormally submissive. If Q approaches, our dog will roll onto her back in full submission until Q walks away. She'll then follow Q around at a distance, never making eye contact, and generally exhibiting submissive posture again. It's bizarre and worshipful and not something I've seen with any other dogs but every time with Q. For what it's worth, Q seems to have very normal interactions with the other dogs.

So, has anyone else seen something like this? Normal or should we worry or intervene?
@ellice If your dog is fine and nothing aggressive is happening then I would leave it be, your dog has its own reasons for acting as such. You can also ask over at /r/Dogtraining to perhaps get other insight into it.