dog smells weird?


New member
Hello, i live with two german shepherds and for a while now we’ve notice that the younger one, N, smells odd no matter what we do. She’s had multiple baths and the smells still doesn’t go away. She smells like it when she comes inside from the yard but she doesn’t roll in anything. Her favorite activity is to sit on the concrete patio and bark so we really aren’t sure. She doesn’t have any sores and nothing abnormal that could be causing the smell. Her ears do get cleaned regularly as well, especially when it’s muddy out so we aren’t to sure what the smell is. The other dog, L, her sister doesn’t smell weird. It’s just her. Any help is appreciated!
@lmf Had that with my dog. It was a bacterial skin infection and that caused them a yeast infection.
But she was also scratching a lot and had irritated skin.
So maybe go see a doctor.

Maybe she has a food allergy, than can also cause smelly skin too.
@lmf If you’re feeding a food high in omega fatty acids it can cause a dog to have a funk. Usually the smell is similar to male cat urin but not always. Definitely sour though. The fatty acids come out in their sweat causing the odor.