Dog skin problem prolly due to allergy


New member
My shih tzus are almost 2 years old now and ever since they were a puppy, they always have this flaky skin, almost like a psoriasis (w/o the thickening of the skin). As they grow old, the flakiness actually worsen. One of them actually got a huge flaky skin that surrounds the upper torso up to the the neck and it sometime reach her front legs and there’s an inflammation too. We decided to stop feeding them chicken, since their mother was allergic to it, they might as well be. Soon my dog started loosing some of her torso hair and in between her legs, they got this dried milk smell that sometimes become this pungent cheese smell and her flaky skin turns yellow. I thought that it might be fungal infection, since the outer lining or their ear starts flaking as well. I decided to take one of them to the vet since she got the most severe one and she’s been itching a lot that she got scratch wounds. My doctor said that its fungal infection so she prescribed her with meds and advised to use antifungal shampoo. But after a year, it came back and it’s even worse. Right now, I stopped them from eating all kinds of meats (not just chicken) and just keep feeding them with veggies like squash (since they like that the most). I also stopped using antifungal soap since it’s expensive here but I think I have to buy it again for her. Do you have any tips just for her to stop itching at least? I’m about to return to the vet for a checkup and I decided to let my dog go bald.