Dog sits down on walks when we don't go "his" way. Is now sitting down in the house as well e.g going outside to pee (holding bladder)

My dog is a 3 1/2-year-old Labradoodle. We adopted him off a friend who could no longer have him. He's gentle, listens to sits/stay, doesn't bother my cat at all, and IMO a really good lad.

We took him on his first walk (local park, no one there 5pm>) and he went fine! The next day we took him he started to sit down instantly if we didn't go his way on the walk and when we turned around to go home. He would sit down and dig his heels in. Doing light tugs on his leash does nothing, he doesn't fall for lures either. We sat down for 20min + ignoring him and he still didn't give up. Thankfully he now trusts me to pick him up (he would go to bite on the first few times) and I can carry him when we get stuck in the middle of the damn road.

This all started at the park and now he is doing it at home. He was quick to toilet train and hasn't done a mess inside yet. However, now when we take him (even in the morning after 6-8 hours) he just sits right at the door and won't follow any further to the backyard. When we do get him into the backyard he will sit just before the grass starts and then pull the opposite way (go inside). He even does it with the stairs to go to my room, he will sit down at the bottom and look out the front (as in, TAKE ME TO THE PARK) and then lay down and sulk (I just go upstairs and ignore him and 5min later he runs upstairs and lays down).

Tldr: Dog will sit down if we don't go his own way.

What do we do? It's getting worse and worse as the days go on and his protests are going to cause him to get a UTI.
@adriandwor Yep he’s on a leash and yep I tried that and I’ll keep doing it - right now he just doesn’t budge at all. I’ll walk forward, he’ll stop moving or sit then I’ll ignore him and look forward and do a few small tugs and he doesn’t budge still, I’ll do that for 10 mins and still nothing.

Then I try something like walk around him and hopefully he moves and recolloww me forward but that makes him stand up and he begins to walk back the way we came (or his direction)
@sheamusofcountycork I would just keep walking forward (using your weight) to make him go forward with you. If he budges with his weight, use your weight to lean forward and make him move forward with you. He’ll quickly learn that just stopping and sitting doesn’t work for him. Doing a few small tugs is just nagging him

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