Dog seeking attention with new baby


New member
First time mom here - new baby boy and it’s a beautiful experience but SO EXHAUSTING. I’m tired y’all. I have this beautiful German Shepard who is almost 3 years old and she’s super sweet and I do love her but she’s getting on my damn nerves lately 😭
She is ALWAYS bringing me her ball to play when I’m super busy or with the baby. She ALWAYS follows me around everywhere with the ball and tosses it at me. I’m busy and she does it . I’m with the baby and she does it. Seriously. It annoys the shit out of me because it’s too much…but at the same time I feel bad because she’s wanting that attention bad. UHMM SUGGESTIONS? Thanks 😩
@peternat Put the baby up for adoption? /s

Seriously, though, it's just a difficult season. There are too many demands on your time, but since you are asking, it's obvious that you care. You'll get through this.

Do you ever get a friend or relative asking what they could do to help? Ask them to please take the dog for a long walk, run, or play. Even an hour every 2 - 3 days will help a lot.
@peternat You don't mention the age of the baby or if you've had the dog since she was a puppy, so I'm going to make a few assumptions. You've likely had the dog since it was a puppy, but even if adopted around a year, that's still almost 2 years of being the sole object of your attention. Bringing a new baby home takes a lot of adjustment on everyone's part. Your doggy has to get used to the new dynamic just like the humans. She's trying to figure out her role in the family, where she fits in how she knows versus the new family situation. She's not trying to be annoying, just trying to stay in your focus and vying for your attention that used to be hers.

German Shepherds are very intelligent dogs and need things to do to keep them stimulated, especially younger dogs. When the baby goes down for a nap, I know that's your time to get things done, take a shower, actually eat, etc. But try taking 10 minutes to get on the floor for some pets/belly rubs/specific doggy time. She'll appreciate it and once it becomes a routine, she likely won't follow you around begging for your attention the rest of the time because she knows it'll be coming. Also, someone else suggested having a friend come and take the dog for a walk during the day. That will help immensely. They can take them on a long walk, to a dog park, or just play fetch in your yard since it seems like that's her favorite. It will give the doggy stimulation and you a break for a little bit.

Getting used to a new baby is tough. Once you think you've figured out their schedule, they switch it up on you. Throw animal family into the mix trying to get used to the new dynamic and it can make it more stressful. You'll all get through it, it'll just take time for you to figure out what works and what doesn't.
@peternat Great suggestions and explanations so far so I won't get into the "why's" too much. Another thing you could try giving her some mentally stimulating things to do such as a filled & frozen kong or a puzzle feeder. If you can afford multiple kongs, you can fill them all at once when you have a free moment and then stick them all in the freezer to pull out when needed. A snuffle mat might be a good one for days where you have absolutely positively no energy since you basically just have to pour their food/treats on to it. Licki mats/bowls are also really great!

These mental enrichment type activities will be really helpful when you are busy because they will help keep her entertained and busy as well without you having to be fully involved (supervision is still important though!).

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