Dog resource guarding my baby


New member
Need some advice. So my young male pitbull 1.5 year old has gone thru a 2 week training program utilizing a stim collar when he was about 8months old. (Shock collar). He’s good with his commands and all. But lately he’s been going crazy when other people walk past him or other dogs. Pulling on the leech until his front paws off the ground. Regardless of the level of shock applied. Also I have a female pit 8 years old and we can’t have toys as he always wants all of them and will start a fight. And now we have a newborn and if my kid is in the room and my female dog walks near him. My male dog tries nipping at her which usually result into a fight. I have to pull him off because my female dog doesn’t go back in to fight. I think she’s just defending herself. And regarding the collar if I stim/shock him I think he feels like she’s doing that shock/or the sting he feels and he gets even more aggressive. Idk what to do. Do I put him in aggression training or what? Long rant. Sorry y’all.
@struggling26 You're dealing with aversive fallout, which is why it's never recommended to use a shock collar. Your dog is associating it not with the action, but with the other dog and it may actually be causing the aggression here. Shock collars are correlated with increased aggression.

You should hire a trainer with IAABC accreditation. Ditch the shock collar, and keep these dogs apart 100% of the time until you work through a training program with that certified trainer.
@struggling26 Resource guarding your newborn is dangerous! Please follow the other advice and do not let your dog have access to the baby. Neither dog should be in the same room as the baby. I’m not overreacting either, if you don’t mind crying you can look up news stories for infant killed by dogs just in the past few years. It’s just not worth the risk.