Dog picked up human poop


New member
I’m so disgusted… we were taking a walk and she picked up a huge human shit… we live in a pretty sketchy neighborhood w lots of addicts & homeless. It’s definitely human. I’ve never been more disgusted in my life… she is a street snacker, how to I stop her from doing all that shit. At first she wouldn’t spit it out I had to pinch her mouth. My hand was so close to the shit…. Ewwww!!!!! Every time we go for a walk I have to choke something out of her mouth. People really need to stop littering, chicken bone, fish bone, burgers, sandwiches, poop, you name it … eww
@obiviva So... Just a heads up, human poop can have drug metabolites in it that can still be active and able to get your dog high. Especially marijuana. So keep an eye out for any changes in behaviour etc. well worth training "drop it" and "leave it" for these scenarios.
@carrico this actually happened to my dog, he drank some diarrhea while we weren’t looking and 30 mins later he got super wobbly and couldn’t stand and i had to carry him home super scary.

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