Dog pees in house when we’re at home


New member
Hi friends. Need some advice here please. Our 14 year old dog has suddenly started peeing in the house l, but only when we are home. We let him out often and have taken him to the vet. Vet says plumbing is all good so it has to be something else. Up to now we’d say he was house broken and never had an issue.

We can’t figure it out. He’s a 5 pound Pom / silky mix.

Any advice would be appreciated.
@tanner1991 If he has been cleared for everything by vet (kidneys, diabetes, hormones) may just be his/her age. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is Dog Alzheimer's, one common thing is you let the dog out but he literally forgets what he suppose to be doing outside so has an accident indoors.

One thing I noticed with older dogs like this they prefer to pee while on a lead. I think it's a security thing, eye sight, hearing may not be as great so they like someone close by. Walk a few steps with a lead on and see how if it works.
@tanner1991 From a medical standpoint- if lab work is normal, you should make sure you have had x-rays, to rule out any bladder stones. Additional diagnostics such as a full abdominal ultrasound (from a specialist) would be necessary to evaluate the prostate gland and any masses or abdominal tumors that could affect the urinary system.
Then you can start to dive into the behavioral aspect of inappropriate urination.
- sincerely, a vet