Dog peeing


New member
I'm getting so annoyed I don't know what to do

I have a husky. She was semi potty trained when I got her. But she's always peeing indoors. On my couch, on her day bed, our rugs, anywhere and everywhere. And it's very little pee it's never a huge pile. I'm not sure what else to do.

We go on 3 walks a day. One 30 min walk around 11 am. One-one hour walk when I'm home from work at about 4pm, and another 30 min walk before bed around 8

But for some reason, she will hold her poop during the first walk, and when I come home for the hour walk, she's already gone inside the house. Poop and pee. It's like a he refuses to poop when she's outside, I feel like it's bc she thinks once she poops that means the walk will end soon. But that's not the case. She just refuses to go in the morning and once I'm home it's too late. And then for our longer walk she'll have nothing to give bc she already gave indoors! I feel like I'm rewarding her with a long walk when she's already gone inside so I don't know what to do.

She pees so much. Even if a little she'll go for it, inside or outside. I don't understand why she can't/wont hold anything in. Or vice versa won't go when we're out.

She's not into treats. She's not into praise. She's such a smart girl and it just seems like she doesn't care about any of that.

I have another dog who's fully potty trained (and blind). Doesn't matter when or where he can wait and will signal me if he can't wait. I don't understand how he has got it down and she hasn't.

My husband thinks she's getting revenge. I disagree. I know she's a husky and needs lots of exercise but that's the most we can give with out schedule conflicts. 3 walks a day is pretty good I would say. If I could, I would run for miles w her per day but I can't. We live in an area where we can't run because of all the hills.

Not sure what to do. Oh and I've tried a crate and she's peed in it and also will holler allllll dayyyy long when she's in there. Which triggers my other dog to also whine and cry and bark thinking she's in trouble. And we are the property managers at my house so I can't exactly leave her to holler all day.

Idk, I don't want to give her up. I can't give her up. I just need more tips on what I can possibly do.
@bmanuel77 3 solid walks a day sounds great but are those the only times she has an opportunity to go to the toilet outside? She needs to be let out far more often than that. Should be first thing in the morning when she wakes up (after having to hold it during the night) and then usually about every 4 hours or so after that (unless she signals to go more frequently). She might not need to go every time but she should be given the opportunity to. You also haven’t mentioned how old she is - a puppy or an elderly dog may need to go out more frequently than a young adult. And if it’s a toilet training issue you may have to go back to basics and take her out preemptively even more frequently, perhaps every couple of hours. Never punish her for having an accident inside - praise and treat her for going successfully outside. Also use an enzymatic cleaner where she’s had accidents inside so there are no traces encouraging her to go again in the same spot.

Edit: it may also be a good idea to have her checked over by a vet to ensure there’s no medical issue at play. But hard to comment on the likelihood of that without knowing anything about her age or history.
@chrisb76 I started doing that but she won't go cuz she wants to keep walking. So it became an issue trying to "go fast". She's 3. I try to take her as much as I can but I do work 8-5 like a lot of us. I appreciate the cleaner advice! I'll make sure to look for that when buying. I would take her more often when I am home but she is not happy going outside for 10 minutes. I don't punish her. I'm just internally going nuts. I love her so much, she's so smart, and I know she can do well. I know it's me doing something wrong. I'm trying to fix it as best I can. Thank you again.
@bmanuel77 Not every toilet break needs to be a full-blown walk, just an opportunity to empty her bladder/bowels outside where she’s supposed to. If you’re not letting her out at all between 9pm and 11am the next day (which it seems like from your post) that’s 14 hours she’s being forced to try to hold it. That’s not ok.

At least make sure she’s had the opportunity to go before you leave for work in the morning so she’s not having to wait through to 11am. I assume you don’t have a yard or this would be less of an issue. If not, just take her out on a lead to the nearest grassy patch, or any other suitable spot outside your home, and wait. This only needs to be a 5min break. If she doesn’t go, that’s fine but at least you’ve given her the chance to. And you’ll likely find that, even if she doesn’t go at first, if this becomes a routine she’ll learn that this is her opportunity.

You may still have a hard time with toilet training if you’re not able to take her out more frequently throughout the day. As an adult she should be physically capable of holding it comfortably for 4-6 hours during the day but won’t if she’s never been taught to. And the way to teach her is to take her out often enough (praising her when she goes outside) so that she doesn’t have the urge to go while indoors and learns that outside is where she’s supposed to go.

You don’t say how often you feed her or at what times but bear in mind most dogs will feel the need to go about 30mins after eating so that’s also something to bear in mind schedule-wise.
@chrisb76 I guess I just also get discouraged bc I have a lab-rott who's blind and the same age and he doesn't seem to have any problem w the schedule we've been doing. He never pees or poops anywhere but on our walks and he knows how to signal when he's in distress. So I'm just confused.
@chrisb76 That's what I'm realizing now. I went from no dogs to two. And you're right! That is a long time. It's just dark when I leave for work but that's no excuse to not let her go. Even for 5 minutes. I did it last night around 1030 and I'm awake at 6 am today and will deff be letting her out even just for 5 minutes before I leave to work. I'm still trying to figure out what treats can she likes but this is very true. Thank you
@bmanuel77 That sounds great! And it sounds like you’re doing a great job with her exercise too. I hope it all starts to come together for you.

I hadn’t considered this initially but, especially if she’s quite new to you and still settling into your home and routine, she might also be having accidents due to anxiety when left home alone so you might find resources on separation anxiety useful too.

Some good subreddits to check out for advice (in general) are r/dogs and r/DogAdvice. The r/puppy101 subreddit also has a nice Wiki with links to advice on house training, etc.
@bmanuel77 where do you feed her? put her food where she usually pees and poops. dogs dont like that

my dog i didnt need to train her, she peed on a rug and i took that rug to the balcony where she could relieve herself if needed. (i recommend a rug that has artificial grass)

then i removed the rug and she always goes there is she is in a pinch
@chooseurside That's a great idea! I'm going to try moving her bowl but I feel she's just going to find another space. She has a few spots she likes :( the rug thing is a great idea but I unfortunately don't have a balcony. I appreciate the advice so much.
@bmanuel77 As far as rewards, maybe scratches or some kind of rubbing would work? There's got to be something that she enjoys that you could do immediately after she's gone outside to reinforce the good behavior.
@bmanuel77 What kind of retard dog is not into treats and praise? Also, maybe the exercise thing is the issue. Maybe you're not able to give her what she needs?

For the record, I'm just guessing.