Dog peeing indoors.....for 8 years!!


New member
I have 3 dogs. My middle dog, Rascal, pees everywhere. He goes outside, too but he won't stop peeing in the house. He's been checked out by the vet a number of times and it is not physical. He's always been a nervous guy, the Barney Fife of dogs. I don't know if his anxiety translates to continuous marking because of the other dogs. I finally got him on anti-depressants and he has stopped barking constantly, which was also a problem. However, the peeing hasn't stopped. I'm trying to get him into a two week training with my younger dog.

My carpet is ruined. I'm thinking of putting vinyl down in the majority of the house but it's expensive. The final aggravation happened last night. Rascal peed on the extension cord that my computer was connected to and blew out my computer. It is toast. My hope is that training may help. I have coworkers telling me to give the dog away. I've had him 8 years and it never occurred to me to re-home him. Has anyone ever been able to get a dog to quit peeing after a long period of time?
@stevej66 It's never too late! You're going to have to go on "lock down" as you would with a brand new 8 week old puppy. Don't give him the chance to mark or pee. I am a big fan of having a crate+pen setup in the main living area of the house.

Put down a waterproof mat, like a small section of vinyl, or my favorite is a "shower pan liner" from the hardware store. Put a crate in the corner of the mat, and put a pen around the whole thing (I usually clip the ends of the pen to the crate). In the crate, have bedding. In the pen, more bedding, a water bowl, some toys and chews, etc.

When you cannot be supervising him at all and are not in the main living area (you're out of the house, in the shower, or similar) then he is shut in the crate. If you're in the main living area but cannot be supervising him, he can have crate+pen access. And then only when you are able to fully supervise does he have access to the room. And only the room you're in! Use other gates/pens and close doors to block access to hallways and other rooms. He can go around the house with you but only if he's on leash or being directly watched- like literally you're staring at him and dedicated to interacting and working with him.

I would also get a washable belly band for him, to prevent any more accidents or marking. Make sure to take it off before you send him out to potty!

What product are you using to clean with? I know after so long it's likely quite saturated, but a good steam cleaning with an enzymatic cleaner can help a lot too. I use Odoban, and sometimes Nature's Miracle. Regular carpet cleaner is not enough.
@stevej66 Are they sure it’s not physical? Did they check for diabetes and cushing’s? Does he drink a lot? In the mean time you could put a male wrap with a pad on him so he isn’t wetting inside on things.
@mitsuha They tested for diabetes. I had a dog about 20 years ago who had cushings disease. He hasn't been tested for it but he doesn't seem to have what I remember my other dog having.
@stevej66 As for flooring, vinyl as in vinyl plank still has seams pee can seep through. In your case, sheet vinyl would be a better choice until or if you resolve the issue. I would definitely go on pee lockdown. Retrain as if it was a puppy. Leash to your belt/waist, but it does seem like it might be health related. Cropped tail?