Dog not eating royal canin


New member
I have an Indian spitz and Pomeranian cross dog. Earlier I used to give him pedigree but I came to know about royal canin and that it is highly nutritious though expensive. So I switched to RC small breed puppy back and bought a 4 kg pack through Amazon. Initially my dog loved it as for the first 4 days he ate whatever amount we gave it. But now it's been one month and he barely eats it. Can't even return it. The vet said it is a problem of gas so he gave a gas medicine and aptiquik but nothing seems to work. He only eats pedigree denta stick or drools calcium sausage sometimes now. What should I do? Every day I pour RC back to vessel since he doesn't eat it now. Should I give him exercise? I take him to walk two times at 5 am and 7 pm. Just a normal 1 hour walk. Where he just sniffs. Not to mention when I give anything to Street dog like biscuit during the walk, my dog eats it. But not at home