Dog not adapting to being confined to one area of the home during the day


New member
Hey everyone I’m hoping to get some advice on how to best help my dogs. I have two dogs Sirius(M14) and Dobby (M10) I adopted both of them from the local pound 8 years ago for Dobby and 6 years ago for Sirius. They are great dogs and I love them to pieces but Sirius has always had issues going potty in the house despite multiple walks in the morning and evening (about one or two accidents a week) This wasn’t a huge issue previously as we had tile flooring and I could easily clean it up when I got home from work. He wouldn’t ever use puppy pads and after talking to his vet we determined that his previous owner probably never truly house trained him as he came from a hoarder situation and there was no major underlying issue. Now my husband and I just moved in to a new home and a majority of the house is carpeted. So we decided to confine the dogs to the hallway/ guest bathroom of our home during the 6 hours a day we are at work. Sirius has adapted well to this and has no issues but unfortunately Dobby hasn’t. He has begun to bark more even when we are home, his stool has become softer and he has started pooping in the house when we aren’t home despite never doing this previously. I’m not sure what to do at this point. We are making sure to take them on extra long walks in the morning before we lock them in the hall area for the day. They have lots of fresh water and food in the area and we added some of their favorite blankets and dog bed to the area for them during the day. They also get 2 walks a night and unleashed play time in the yard. I’m not sure what I can do to help Dobby adjust to this new normal until we can afford to rip the carpeting out of the living room to give them free reign of the house again. I feel so guilty and like a bad pet parent for not allowing them free reign of the house anymore but we can’t afford the new flooring right now and we can’t just let them ruin the carpet in the main part of our home.