Dog nail scratch. Should I get vaccinated or a TT shot?

@cherrynapalmsmack It’s no more worrisome than any other scratch from any other source.
Clean it with soap and water. Apply an antibacterial ointment and keep an eye on it. It it shows signs of an infection: redness, puss, hot to the touch, red streaks radiating away from the wound, then see a doctor
@cherrynapalmsmack Honestly you’re being silly, it’s a small scratch from playing with your pet, it will happen again. As long as it’s not bleeding uncontrollably, or gets super infected in the next couple days, just wash it off, stick a band aid on it and go back to playing with your dog.
@uniquescreenname Thank you. I forgot I posted this,i have anxiety in general and low immunity and this is the first dog i have interacted with. I just wanted to make sure it's okay because all i have exposed to are people getting vaccinated for dog bites/stray dog attacks.