Dog Karen


New member
So, I 28(F) own a small mobile dog grooming service that I just got up and running a few weeks ago. What that means, is that instead of coming to me to have your dog groomed, I go to you. I find it helps with the dog's temperament and overall stress. So far, all of my clients have all been wonderful. (Both humans and dogs.) Until yesterday, I was contacted by a lady yesterday, who DEMANDED to know if I had any availability to groom her dog today. That was the first red flag. So, I started with my usual spiel of "What kind of dog do you have?" "What is the approximate size of your dog?" (Size and weight will affect the price for the services.) "What is your dog's temperament with strangers?" And so on. Everything seemed pretty okay until I got to the part where I asked her if prior to the appointment she could send me either a picture or photocopy of her dog's vaccination records. (I need a copy for my insurance.) And that's when this woman got all huffy and rude saying that it was a completely inappropriate question to ask and went on to also rant about how unprofessional it was for me to ask for her adress. (I have a mobile service. I can't go to you if I don't know where you are.) She proceeded to rant for a good 5 more minutes before saying she won't book with me...ever. Fine by me, I have plenty of other clients who value my time and services. Fast forward to 4pm today, the lady calls me back complaining that all the other local dog groomers are completely booked and not taking any new clients and once again DEMANDS that I groom her dog, TODAY. She even tried explaining that she got offended when I asked for a copy of her dog's vaccination records that I was insinuating that she doesn't take care of her dog. When I tried to explain that I was no longer available to groom her dog today, she went crazy and started screaming at me over the phone and trashing my business, calling me names and saying that my refusal to bend to her demands was completely unacceptable and hung up. Suffice it to say, I have blocked her number and will warn other dog grooming businesses about this woman. Good luck getting your dog groomed any time soon, Karen.
@teresita123 Anyone who tells an animal focused business they're not entitled to verification that the animal's rabies vax is UTD can seek services elsewhere. The groomer at my vet hospital is currently out awaiting clearance from a hand surgeon to return after sustaining a bite. The dog's RV was good, thankfully, and the health dept has had to have the 10 day quarantine discussion with the owner to my understanding, but if it wasn't? No one wants the post-exposure protocol and no one wants to, um, obtain the tissues needed to determine rabid or not.
@jimmy22x Exactly! I mean, if this lady was taking proper care of her dog and had everything up to date, she wouldn't have gotten so offended. None of my other clients have had any problem with that and produced the records without hesitation. Also, I'm sorry to hear about the groomer at your vet hospital. I hope their recovery goes smoothly.