Dog insecure at the park…


New member
I have a wonderful friendly 6 year old 50lb Wheaton that does fine on his own at the park even with other dogs in the pen. For the most part….

He is not particularly social and is a little unsure around other dogs. But today is the second day now that when another dog runs up to him and they start getting acquainted… I can see his emotions shift over about ten seconds until he comes undone into barking “f-off” and snapping. I’m relieved that he is not chasing other dogs and it’s only when he is approached…. But still I can see this going south pretty quick. He just gets stuck and doesn’t know what to do… until now figs have barked back and went in their way.

He is pretty new to the dog park environment and Enjoys running free and sticks close by. In his prior living situation he had a big yard and his sister…. That was his whole life. she was queen B and ran his life like a drill sergeant. Over the last three months he has been adjusting to walking and sitting where he wants after his sister and he were separated. We have a yard but nothing like an open field and I’d like to maintain that in his life.

As a horse person his behavior seems entirely confidence related and I know if I don’t address him (or something I’m doing) im concerned it will get worse quickly… my bag of tricks is equine related so I’m asking for some canine insight.

Also: The first time he went to the park his sister was with him. She let him do his thing and they played but then she’d kind of be his security blanket/“etiquette coach” it seemed. It was a good day and for about 2 weeks it’s been good except for the last 2 days.
@royalpriestess About three months. I get him out for frequent walks as well. And he lives at home fine with a 10-year-old bichon although they do not interact much and if I were to guess the bichon was the dominant one. Also, sidenote, he’s not entirely new, he’s just sleeping under a different roof but still in our family.
@rue77 So a dog that has been living with you for three months should never be at a dog park. You barely know them and certainly haven't had the time needed to train a recall.

Why do you want to have this dog at the park? It sounds like at best he is wary of strange dogs.
@royalpriestess I just want to take him somewhere he can run. Chase a frisbee and get up to full speed. Is this ok?not ok? Why not?(Genuinely asking.) He does recall. And I’ve known him since he was a puppy, just not his primary person until now. I also recognize that can be confusing for the dog.
If leash walking for now is a recommendation then fine he’s happy to go for walks or jogs with me.

My hope for getting him comfortable at the park is not to force socialization on him but to give him somewhere to do as I’ve stated above. If I must pause that’s fine. I’m just looking for a plan to get him there safely.

If 3 months is too soon. When would be right? What milestones be it time or behavior would be appropriate?
I just want to take him somewhere he can run. Chase a frisbee and get up to full speed.

Find an on leash green space and use a long line. There is nothing wrong with that idea, but putting him in a dog park when he is insecure and nervous of other dogs is a fight waiting to happen and at three months in a new home he is just showing his actual personality now.

If 3 months is too soon. When would be right? What milestones be it time or behavior would be appropriate?

I would never take him unless he already has good social skills with other dogs, is comfortable with dogs and people, has the confidence to brush off a bad encounter and has shown consistent recall for at least a few months. I would also never take a dog I had for less than six months.
@rue77 You can even look into an off leash public park. Find a spot there and let people know you don’t want your dog to play if another dog comes up.

Besides this long lines and sniff spots (affordable private space rentals like backyards/acreages) are also great alternatives
@rue77 I have had wheaton terriers before. Lovely dogs and my favourite breed. The breed is not the best with other dogs, especially smaller ones. What you are doing by socializing them early is very helpful in their development.

I'm not an expert but what I think could help:
- If you haven't done already go to group training classes to help build good training habits in the presence of other dogs.
- Try and find some dog friends that they see regularly and can get used to.
- If the owner of other dog is ok with it, try swapping some toys so that the dogs can get used to each other's scent.
- if the owner of other dog is ok with it, try feeding treats (maybe paired with commands like sit and using markers like yes/good) of the 2 dogs side by side so that your dog can get used to the other over time.

Also it sounds like it may be too early for you to have your dog at a leash-free or off of their leash at least.