Dog hates the blow dryer


New member
Not a groomer but a pet owner looking for advice from professionals. I have a 2 y/o Samoyed who I’ve tried to introduce to the blow dryer since she was a puppy and I have been unsuccessful.

She’s not scared of the noise but as soon as she comes into contact with the stream, she freaks out and barks like there’s no tomorrow.

I have done slow introductions which all went well until I point it even vaguely in her direction (nozzle off). I spent literal hours with her in a room while drying my own hair to get her used to the sound and she’s unbothered. I even tried starting with my own hair dryer on her because it doesn’t have as much power and is quieter and gentler, but to the same effect. I tried using it on different parts of her body which I think might be the least sensitive, but again, same outcome.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can make her at least tolerate the drying process? She’s fine in all other areas (bathing, brushing, nail trims).
@veryhappyman One of my clients is a 10 month old Samoyed male who I have been grooming every 5 weeks since he was 2 months old. He is HORRIBLE for the dryer no matter what I do and has shown no signs of improvement. He barks basically the entire groom so I wear sound proof headphones the whole time. Some dogs just have poor temperaments for certain aspects of grooming. She might need some medication to help her through it. I would try some good CBD first before trazadone.