Dog has Vitamin D poisoning, struggling to cope


New member
UPDATE (4/8): He's back to his antics and zooming around. Still has a little upset tummy but once he's back on his normal eating routine he'll be good. Thank you to everyone!!! Your words and encouragement and thoughts really helped me through this stressful ordeal. Thank you!

UPDATE (4/7): Last blood work today!!! Everything came back great and levels of everything lowered. Marvin is back to his usual antics, and has one more dose of his take home meds. Once he's done with the meds I think his GI tract will be back to normal as well. He's one lucky dog. Thank you to everyone who kept us in your thoughts, prayers, energies, all of it
@swissbts22 a few years ago i took my dog to the vet following a surgery (testing and removal of a benign growth) because i felt she wasn’t recovering how she should. lethargic, no appetite, could barely stand, and this lasted about 4 days after surgery. vet sent me home saying she seemed fine, just tired and still recovering considering she was a little older. she passed away that same night at home :/ i have a lot of issues trusting vets after this, especially being sent home with my baby when im still feeling anxious about their wellbeing
@brainbabysaved Well they should be aware. I wish I had been. Just becusse they sent you home doesn’t mean there is no risk of a tragedy and assuming it will be ok is how bad things happen. OP needs to continue to push the vet like it’s life or death. Saying “it will be ok” doesn’t mean it will be and I’d rather say the harsh truth and maybe help the OP continue to look at this seriously then assume the “vet knows best” and think cause they sent them home it’s ok.
@betty3 Best advice is the the truth- not the coddling. I wish someone had reminded me that the vets don’t always know everything and sometimes when they say it’s ok and send you home- it’s not actually ok. Warning the OP to continue to push the vets for help IS helpful and necessary. I wish I would have realized this myself instead of thinking it will be ok- cause it has to be right?
@levind I second that. Man i wish i wasnt so broke, i would send Ya 100 bucks. Lord knows i waste that much all the time. KEEP US UPDATED IF YA GET one those GoFundme things.

I was in Your situation one time 35 years ago when my poodle terrier that i was in love with got hit by a car, when she ran out in traffic, she was lucky to be alive. Had to leave her at vets overnight as she was in shock.. i drove by the place several dozen times , hour upon hour praying for little Toto. She made it, was incredibly relieved. Anyway, Hang in there man.. my prayers will be with You.Keeep us updated and esp. if ya get GoFundMe

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