Dog had an unusual reaction to another GSD and wondering if anyone has had similar


New member
My dude is a very strange dog when it comes to other dogs. He’s sort of tolerant, but weary, of other dogs until they start barking at him. It’s sort of goofy. You can almost see over his face after the other dog starts barking “well f@$k you then” followed by him “reacting.” He’s good with familiar dogs, but needs some reassurance with new dogs.

There is only one other German shepherd in our town but it’s own by an old couple and I’ve only ever seen him a couple times in their yard, and never with my dude. That is until today. As soon as we came around a corner and saw the other dog, my dog immediately went into play mode despite the GSD barking and everything, which is usually what triggers my dude.

So it begs the question. Does king recognize king?