Dog eating other's food


New member
Hello, I've got two dogs (W and M) and one (W) likes to eat the M''s food. It's hard to know when this happens,, but we've caught her several times doing this.

Any advice on how to stop this? W always has her own food and tends to "bury" it under a blanket in her kennel. M does not defend her food unless she's hungry, in which case she's usually eating it at that point.

The main concern is M is an older dog, so I want to make sure she's eating well because I know if she's not it could be a sign that there's an issue. (Same concern for W but she's a young dog and her food does not get stolen).

Ive tried feeding on schedules to prevent this, but usually they don't eat during the scheduled time.

Some other notes, W is about 4 years old and is a rescue. We've had her for 3.5 years. M is about 11 years old and was also a rescue. We've had her for 10.5 years.
We've also have 6 month old twins, but this behavior existed prior to us having the twins.