Dog diaper advice please!


New member
My Maltese is 10 and starting to have urinary incontinence so I decided to buy reusable diapers. My issue is that once it’s on she hides in her bed until I remove it. I’ve been slowly introducing it to her by wearing it for 15-30 minutes a day and giving her treats and pets, but she still refuses to be active with it on. I know it’s not too tight because I can fit my hand in the waistband and 2-3 fingers in the leg area. If she does choose to move she kicks her legs when she walks, kinda like how some dogs do with shoes on?
Any advice to help her get used to the diapers? Am I going about it correctly and she just needs time to adjust? It’s been about a week but I don’t see her getting anymore comfortable
P.S. she doesn’t wear them all day, it’s mostly for when I have guests over and I don’t want her urinating on them/the couch.