Dog diagnosed with hip dysplasia, not sure about pet insurance


New member
Hi there
My Puli was diagnosed with hip dysplasia as a puppy, she’s now 2.5 years old.
We’ve had pet insurance from the start, but every claim I put through seems to be knocked back, the insurance is super difficult and exhausting every encounter I have. E.g. recently fighting a case where they knocked back a claim because it was an existing condition that didn’t exist.
They’re putting the price up to $100 a month, I started at $60.
$1200 a year is a lot of money for me and I’m questioning if I should continue. I’ve been to the vet 4 times in the last 2 years
She’s a 10kg dog and very active, the vet says hip dysplasia may not be a problem if we continue exercise and keep her weight down, but no guarantees.

Do you have any advice?
What would you do?

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