Dog blood work & petit seizures


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Dog blood work

• Age: 5 in June
• Sex/Neuter status: Female, Spayed
• Breed: Staffordshire Terrier
• Body weight: 57.8
• History: garidia, petit mal seizures
• Clinical signs: petit mal seizures
• Duration: 3 years
• Your general location: New England
• Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. N/A

Hi I am writing this and I’ll try to be quick and to the point. I went to the vet a few days ago for an appointment regarding my dogs petit mal seizures. She hasn’t been officially diagnosed with them before, and has had 4 of them in the past three years lasting maybe 10 minutes. We got blood work done but the vets don’t know what to think, and are having me bring her back in for a 3rd blood test this one fasted.

First test abnormal results:

Alt: 167
GGT: 0
Alk phosphate: under 10

Second test:

Alt: 223
Alk phos: 103

Other then her few episodes of seizures she has warranted absolutely no concern and seems perfectly healthy. She sleeps a good deal but she has always been a couch potato. I looked it up on Dr Google, and have freaked myself out. Looking for any advice, thank you In advance