Dog Barks Constantly for Wife, Quiet, Well Behaved for all other Household Members


New member
We have a small mixed breed, exact breed unknown. Looks like a Bichon/Jack Russell or Poodle/Jack Russell.


- Male, he is intact.

- He has a heart murmur, vet concerned about neutering due to heart murmur and requested other solutions.

- We got him from a younger female who was rehoming him due to having to be away from home more hours than expected, and "he was starting to exhibit terrier like behaviors".

- (Wish I would have been wiser when she said that!).

- We have had him three years, the barking issue has progressively gotten worse.

- Major milestones have increased the behavior. When my wife was home and the kids were not in school, the issue was minimal and manageable. Son went to school for kindergarten, barking increased. Then daughter started part time preschool and it got worse while she was away. When both started kindergarten and higher and were away from the house, it progressively and sharply got worse.

The issue is that the dog barks constantly, but only when my wife is the "alpha" of the group.

Scenario 1: I am in the living room with my wife and two kids (B/G, 8/6). Dog does not bark.

Scenario 2: I leave the room to get ready for work, dogs demeanor changes and he starts to bark at small noises or nothing that we can perceive. Example, sorry for the grossness, but if I am in the restroom and literally just fart, he starts barking. And literally any other sound and again, seemingly at nothing.

Scenario 3: I come back in, dog does not bark.

Scenario 4: I am in the room with wife and kids and wife steps out, dog does not bark.

Scenario 5: Wife comes back in, dog does not bark.

Scenario 6: My wife and I leave the room, dog left behind with kids, dog does not bark.

Scenario 7: I leave for work, kids are home, dog barks at a minimum of every 15 seconds all day.

Scenario 8: I leave for work, kids are at school, dog barks at a minimum of every 15 seconds all day.

As you can see, my wife (and the previous owner) have had similar issues, as does my mom when she watches him.

What we have tried:

- I have trained him 1:1 extensively with many methods and he responds well to all training and does not bark for me.

- Wife has tried:

- Training him to respond to quiet by giving him his favorite treat. This has failed. Works in the moment, but quickly goes back to barking.

- She has tried walking him (as have I), does not seem to stop barking in response to reduced energy from exercise.

- Anxiety meds: Dog did not respond.

- E-collar trying both shock and vibrate functions. Works only when collar is on, dog quickly returns back to barking as soon as it is off.

- We have tried obtrusive noise training including clapping hands, slapping something on the counter, coins in a plastic bottle, the air sprayer can, firmly saying shh!

- Trainers have suggested abruptly slapping the crate when he barks in the crate. Does not work.

- Other trainers have suggested ignoring him when he barks in the crate, does not work. Also noteworth, he is perfectly fine in the crate when I am the alpha of the group, again, only when my wife is the leader do we have a problem.

- The only thing that has come close to working is bully sticks and kong balls with frozen treats, but this has started to only calm him when he is chewing.

- One trainer recommended that we clip a carabiner hook to my wife pants, and then attached the dog on a slip lead and have him follow her around while training him intermittently.

- All these items were at the request of the trainers we consulted with. Note we did not have a trainer come to the house or join a class etc. They had us try some methods at home and confirmed we were taking the right steps.

We are at the end of the line, not sure what else to try. Open to suggestions or feedback.