Dog acting different after vacation


New member
I got my dog (terrier mix, around 6 years old, male) just 7 months ago from a kennel. He was a stray and had been roaming the streets for a couple years at least. My girlfriend and I decided to foster him, and he and I became so bonded that I adopted him after just two weeks.

He stays with us at our apartment that we share with a roommate. I’ve been his primary caretaker since adopting him, and he gets defensive over me. He might nip at people for trying to pick him up, but he would never do that to me at all. In fact I was the only person he would let do most things for him, and he is pretty inseparable to me.

This past weekend I took a trip back home and we left him with our roommate, whom he was comfortable with. She fed him, walked him, and updates us with happy pictures of him. She’s watched him before but just for a day at a time. We got home four days later and his demeanor to me was a little off, he played with me but wasn’t over the moon to see me like I had hoped, and he even nipped at me when I tried to put him on the bed. Is this normal behavior? A friend told me that he was maybe just mad at me for leaving for so long and had to get used to his normal routine again, but I still felt hurt, like I want his favorite anymore.

If anyone has any advice I’m all ears, or if I’m just overreacting let me know that too haha. I just love this dog and hope he still loves me in the same way as before because right now it definitely feels different
@edockens17 I’m not a trainer so grain of salt but based on my dog experience, I would say he’s bonded to you and upset that you left and probably will get over it eventually. But also that he seems a little too bonded to you if he’s nipping at other people and has stranger danger like that. maybe would be a good idea to try to socialize him a little more? Or maybe have your roommate or someone babysit or walk him a little more often so he gets used to being with other people? Unless you plan on never leaving him again 😐
@sea That’s a good piece of advice, I think having a few other people watch him from time to time is probably a good idea. He isn’t really nippy until people go to pick him up or they’re around his food, so I’d say he’s defensive around those things, but being around other people that aren’t me all the time is probably good for him regardless
@edockens17 Strays tend to have trust issues, and being gone for 4 days is a long time to them. I think he will get better with time. As attached to you as he was, you might need to work on their separation anxiety so that they learn that even if you leave the house, you are coming back. Also once they get confortable around you again, try and introduce them to as many people you can that are good with dogs.

Remember strays are often abandoned by there owners and chased off by people while on the streets. Trust issues and fear of others are common but often can be overcome with patience and love